Friday, September 12, 2008

Scared Kanjiless

So, I am abso-fuckin'-lutely (pardon my french) way too good at procrastinating for my own good. This I can say whole-heartedly and with much confidence. I have had one of my best friends tell me I take it to a whole new level, and I'd have to agree with him. Something is wrong when you can get away with writing papers, doing projects, and studying for tests mere hours before it's due and still get A's and B's the whole time.

This will undoubtedly bite me in the ass once I get to Japan.

Why, you ask? You see, once I arrive I have to take a test to dictate which level of Japanese I will take at my exchange university. This scares the bejesus out of me because I have done pretty much jack shit for studying (like make flash cards... which I haven't even studied yet), and I'm afraid I'm going to place too low for my real level in the language, simply because my memory has lapsed a bit over the summer. The real potential problem here, that I only just recently realized, is that I need third year college level Japanese as a basic requirement for both my major and minor. What if, by testing too low, I don't get that credit that I should be getting? That would set me back at least a couple terms.

Well, I think Saturday and Sunday will just have to be full of studying, planning, and packing. I still need to see if I can find some thermal underwear, as well as making sure I have gifts to give to potential host family members (I won't find out who they are until 3 days after I arrive).

You're all probably bored shitless by now with my ranting, and I need to leave to go out to comedy with my family, so I'll see you guys when I have something a bit more interesting to say.

P.S. I apologize for the crappy excuse for a pun as a title.


Anonymous said...

I thought the title was cute, you shouldn't apologize for it! But, on to more important things... when are you getting here? I wish you would be here in time for the League of Dorks meeting tomorrow, Green Eyed Geisha and I need another girl there!

And like I said last time, remember to pack things that you can buy here but shouldn't- like extra medicine (even Aleve requires a prescription here) and toothpaste (fluoride is illegal here) and SHOES. Lots and lots of shoes.

Anonymous said...

Cowgirl, don't forget that AF will be there tomorrow, too. If we're lucky, maybe she'll show up in a splendid yukata. :)

Welcome, Keitorin. Tokyo could use you. There are already too many weird guys here, myself included. :)