Monday, March 23, 2009

No, I am not dead.

Yeah. I know. I kind of disappeared off the face of the blogosphere, and I am sorry for that. I have been home in good ol' WA since mid-early February, so I have been kind of distracted with being a social human being who can eat whenever/whatever I want, sleep whenever I want, use the internet whenever I want, go places without spending tons of money on the train... basically having a life I control myself. Anyway, I am coming back to Japan in a week so I decided that I should probably poke all of you again and say hi.

I am not exactly sure what to talk about, I am actually stealing my friend's Star Wars virginity at the moment--I don't even know how we have been friends for 14 years and she hasn't seen it up until now--so I am a little bit distracted by the movie, though I have seen it only God knows how many times.

Anyway, I suppose if you guys have any questions then shoot, otherwise I will just try to think up something interesting for whenever I decide to update again :P