Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Men of all nationalities

While men all over the world all have their own little quirks that I can find attractive (Japanese and Korean men are very stylish and nice to look at, Irish and English men have super hot accents, etc.), I have come to the conclusion at this point that American boys just feel like home. When I find one I like, I just really connect with them on a way I don't think I could with anyone else, at least not as quickly and easily. I think part of it is the shared cultureand growing up in a relatively similar environment. Just lets you make that leap of being together that much easier.

No, this it not my way of saying "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!". I really do like Japan, though I don't think I could ever live here on a permanent basis, but I just really like the American guys more than the Japanese ones when it comes to a level beyond just eye-candy.

P.S. Especially the tall ones.

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