Tuesday, April 21, 2009

湿度? More like 死度. Bad joke.

Though the temperature has levelled back out again to what I would call normal Spring weather (take into consideration that I come from western WA where it's typically 50-55 degrees and rainy for the majority of Spring), it peaked at about 70-75 for a bit about a week ago, and from what the internet is telling me it's supposed to be close to 80 tomorrow. Normally I'd say that that temperature is not a big deal, but there are a few very vital defenses I have back home against the weather that I do not have here:

1. Only time I absolutely HAVE to spend out time is either walking to and from the car when at my parents', or the maybe 5 minutes it takes to get to class when I am at PSU. Here I have to walk outside 20+ minutes which is not bad in and of itself, but add onto that the amount of time I have to spend packed inside a stuffed, oven-like train... these are the minimums by the way. Using computers in rooms that are not air-conditioned? Not fun.
2. FREAKING CENTRAL AIR. The only defense against the heat I have at my host parents' place is a little electric fan. Uhhh?!
3. Things to do at home that will distract me when all I want to do is curl up into a naked ball and die from the heat. Only shit I have to do at home here is re-watch the videos that I have seen a thousand times by now, as well as read the shelf of Danielle Steele books my host dad has stashed in my room. Not the best of options.

Not to mention how god-damn humid it gets here, Tokyo with it's special population-enchanced climate. I do not deal well with humidity, evidenced by the fact that I have actually passed out once while in the shower from all the humidity/steam and whatnot. I am going to be drinking a wholewhole lot of water in the coming three months.

Heat + humidity = Death of Keitorin.

P.S. My English is slowly becoming more influenced by Japan, and what really worries me is that I don't usually catch it. This tells me just how deeply it's affecting me. I am praying for a quick recovery when I get back into English-speaking country.

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