Monday, November 10, 2008

Short but sweet.

If I didn't know tutoring was a common thing among exchange students and Japanese students here, I'd be super excited about the fact that I'm helping out a cute Japanese guy next week as he is studying to take the TOEIC. As it is, I'm still kind of psyched about it. Makes me feel slightly productive, on top of the fact that I get to spend time with him.

I think tomorrow I will try to upload some of the photos I took at the potluck I went to last night with some of the other exchange students and our host moms. The hotel was freaking ridiculously expensive looking, you'll have to see for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear more about this new guy, what's his blogging nickname going to be? What day are you hanging out with him?

The suspense is killing me, I can't stand it, I'm emailing you right now.

DD-Pad said...

Hrmm.. I think I shall call him Junior. And what happened to you emailing me? :P

I'm helping him study on Tuesday :)