How do you do that, though? Especially coming from America where expectations of appearance and actions from women are almost the opposite. Japanese guys seem to typically like cute, kind of shy and humble girls... whereas in America it's outgoing, social, "sexy" girls who get the most attention. I'm not really either of these though, I guess. Maybe it's because it's been so long since I've dated that I have even less of a clue what to do than I thought I would. Oi. I just don't know how to appeal to them without compromising who I am, because I am sure as hell not about to go buy frilly shit and wear heels every day.
And on top of that, how do you let them know how you feel? With an American guy I'd feel a helluva lot more comfortable just being kind of open and honest about it, but with Japanese guys... I feel like I should skirt around the subject and give hints, and that just feels weird to me.
Man, relationships are such a pain in the ass sometimes, but damn are they fun. I miss having a boy to play with! ...That sounded dirty didn't it?
Jesus, this is kind of a whiny entry haha, I promise the next one will be at least a more entertaining! And now, I shall leave you with fireworks pictures!
1: well, maybe you'll just have to wait until you come across an atypical japanse guy with who you won't have to go in circles instead of our beloved straight line.
2: yup, it sounded dirty :P
3: call me random, but I swear I can see an "お" drawed by the fireworks in the middle picture.
Yayyyyye heels and frilly shit!
Don't be a lame-bot, you don't need to change anything to attract those boys! They love Western girls, they're just scared of us. Which is good. They should be.
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